The Orvis Endorsement - Lodge Requirements
Rancho Caracol is currently one of only 26 elite wingshooting lodges in the entire world to carry the official endorsement of Orvis, and is rated the number one wingshooting lodge in all of Mexico.
In 2006, Orvis selected us as the Lodge of the Year. We were selected as the best of the 26 elite, Orvis endorsed, wingshooting lodges in the world.
So what does it take to earn this coveted endorsement? We’ll let Orvis answer this one:
"Since 1989, Orvis has had stringent criteria each lodge must live up to in order to be endorsed. These three key criteria are resources, hospitality and the lodge itself. To make certain these standards are met, an Orvis associate visits each lodge. This allows for a first hand evaluation, so we know personally what you can expect on your visit.
What does it take to receive “Lodge of the Year?”
After hunting with us or any other Orvis Endorsed Lodge, each guest receives an extensive questionnaire from Orvis. The lodge of the year is selected on the basis of client satisfaction as reflected in this survey.
Resources include the natural habitat you'll hunt. We look for quality habitat that provides plenty of varied natural cover and feed, and numerous birds that offer good presentation and rise in a sporting manner. The dogs must be well bred and trained, and work well with the guides and shooters. We note how the dogs respond to the hunters and varied situations of a hunt. A good canine personality doesn't hurt either.
Personality also goes a long way with our second criteria: hospitality. Orvis looks for owners, guides, staff and hosts who are committed to pleasing you and meeting your needs promptly and graciously throughout your stay. They must be friendly, as well as professional and knowledgeable in their given field, whether they are guides or wait staff. Their attention to detail and personable attitude will make your stay memorable and enjoyable. Good service is the priority. We want to make you feel that you are the most important guest our endorsed lodge has ever had stay with them.
The third criteria to be met by an Orvis-endorsed wingshooting lodge is the lodge itself, and its facilities. An Orvis-endorsed lodge must be a place to which you look forward to returning following a long day afield The lodge must offer a welcoming blend of exceptional comfort and elegance, and an impressive sportsman's setting with all the modern amenities. Expansive decks with world-class views are common to our endorsed lodges. And outstanding private rooms or cabins, replete with modern amenities, comfortable furnishings, and exquisite, appropriate decorations are the rule. The kitchens are also of the highest order. Each must be operated by seasoned chefs who create gourmet meals served in a dining room of exceptional ambience, and by affable professionals.
With Orvis-endorsed wingshooting lodges, you'll enjoy hunting prime bird cover with fine dogs and amiable guides. You'll be greeted and served by experienced and personable staff and hosts. And you'll relax in lodges of superior accommodations and ambience in some of the most spectacular landscapes you'll ever visit. The meeting of these criteria makes Orvis-endorsed lodges an experience you'll miss as soon as you leave."
"The ranch lies in the heart of the best wild quail country in Mexico." Dr. Ron Haaland, in Quail Unlimited Magazine