Rancho Caracol

Helping Protect Mexico’s Ocelots

The Project

Rancho Caracol has made a long-term committment to wildlife conservation. Consequently, we are especially proud to be teaming up with researchers from Texas A&M Kingsville and the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute on a new and important research project to study the habits of the endangered ocelot.

Once common across northern Mexico and south Texas, ocelots have all but vanished due to habitat loss, poaching, road accidents and other factors. In fact, so rare is this amazing cat that, today, only 100 or so are thought to be left in the wild in the United States.

The project is led by Professor Michael Tewes and coordinated by Rancho Caracol Lodge Manager Arturo Rocha. It will serve not only as a vital tool for learning more about the cats’ habits (thus helping to preserve and protect their future populations), but also as an educational vehicle for students, sportsmen and anyone else who wants to learn more about these creatures’ important role in Northeastern Mexico’s elaborate ecosystem.

Click here to see the most recent photos of these amazing animals, including ocelots, jaguars, jaguarundis and mountain lions. These were captured by more than 20 remote cameras currently set up on the ranch property. And be sure to check back often for continuing updates on this crucial conservation project!

The Photos

April 2010
August 2009
July 2009
May 2009
April 2009

The Animal Counts

Ocelots 40
Bobcat 2
Jaguar 15
Jaguarundi 15
Mountain Lion 10

Project Update

Click here to the see the latest comments on our project.

In The News

Houston Chronicle - February 2010
Corpus Christi Caller Times - February 2010
"Far and away the best whitewing shoot I've ever had!"
Fred Pauling, MD, Houston, Texas
Toll free: 888-246-3164 : Outside U.S.: 956-542-3482 : Fax: 956-542-5765
Rancho Caracol : 2424 Village Drive : Brownsville, TX 78521